Monday 8 December 2014


Practice with the most common collocations: 

Do yo know more examples? 

Monday 24 November 2014

Birthday list

I decided to write a list with possible gifts for Pablo's birthday on my mobile phone. As I always want to practice English, I did it in English, indeed!I used an app called Evernote. Look at the following picture: 

Pay attention to the way I list the elements. I use the indefinite article ('a'/'an').

Now it's your turn. Think of the things you like or wish for your own birthday, for example. Write a list like the one above and compare it with your partner's. Have you got the same? Are they different presents?

Leave comments!

Let's talk!

Watch the next video:

Good Morning...
Oh! and in case I don't see you...
Good afternoon!
Good evening!
...and good night

To find out more, go to BBC

Now it's time for you to practice the language. Choose a context and create a conversation with your partner! Take care about the intonation!

Tell us about your family

Read the next text:

My name is Adam. I am 12. I live in New Delhi, India with my father, mother, two sisters and four brothers. My grandparents also live with us. In India, family is very important. It is common to have grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins living in the same house. My aunts, uncles and cousins also live nearby. We see each other often. My older brother is a computer programmer. Right now, he is in Australia. His company sent him there for one year. We all miss him a lot. We write letters to him every week. I want him to come home soon. 

Now, tell us about yours!

The animals

Watch the next video

How many animals have you seen?

Write on a paper the animals you can remember.

Find a twin picture

Print the pictures and share between you. Click on them:

You are not allowed to show each other. Each student then has to find someone who has the exact duplicate of his or her picture: you do this by asking questions. For example:

Is it a farm animal?
Where can we find it?

The activity ends when all the pictures are paired.