Monday 24 November 2014

Birthday list

I decided to write a list with possible gifts for Pablo's birthday on my mobile phone. As I always want to practice English, I did it in English, indeed!I used an app called Evernote. Look at the following picture: 

Pay attention to the way I list the elements. I use the indefinite article ('a'/'an').

Now it's your turn. Think of the things you like or wish for your own birthday, for example. Write a list like the one above and compare it with your partner's. Have you got the same? Are they different presents?

Leave comments!


  1. Hello!

    I like your activity!!

    Firs of all you show your own list, which is practical, something that lots of times we have to do “ make a list for wherever (to go the supermarket, to remember the thinks that we have to do…) so they will be able to practice the articles with an daily activity. It is also useful because later on they can share their list with their partner and they can speak in English so, it’s fantastic!

  2. Hi María José!

    I have seen your activity and I think it´s very useful and meaningful. On one hand, because the students can learn the articles in active and practical way (making a tipical list for wherever). And on the other hand, since they learn English in a daily situations and not in an irreal situation.
    Good work!!

    1. Thanks monikgast... I tried they learn through daily situations, I think it's important for them to see the aim of learn English.

      Thanks for your comment!

  3. Hi!
    I found very interesting the idea that you raise in your activity because from something as simple as a list of birthday gifts, students practice using the articles and learn and review vocabulary related to the topic.
    Moreover, this type of activity could be modified and applied to any subject; for example, a shopping list, a list of ingredients for a recipe, etc.
    In addition, content and skills related to daily activities and in turn, is introduced and becomes closer the subject of new technologies and mobile phone as a tool for daily use work.

    I congratulate you!

    1. Hi Antonia Maria!

      Yes, we can modified this activity for many list of our daily life!

      Thanks for your comment!
